“The Spectacular Elegance of the Universe”

I found this Beautiful video yesterday on a newly-discovered blog (so here’s a shout out to Think Outside the Box).

What an incredible few minutes, feeling immersed in the absolute Wonder of our Exquisite Universe!  I do hope you are gifted with a sense of Peace, Awe and Oneness, through these images of Grandeur from the Hubble Telescope.




Murmuration of Joy

“Think of it as a prayer to the space you’re dancing in.”

Paul Taylor

Here are a couple of sky ballets showing the incredible shapeshifting Beauty in a Starling Murmuration.  It’s hard not to be mesmerized by the choreography and Beautiful connection of Spirit apparent in these performances!

The first video was made by two women canoeing who unexepectedly come upon a Murmuration and you can hear their spontaneous excitement and Awe at the performance they behold!

The second is from a photographer which I include because… well, who doesn’t enjoy a listen to Pachelbel’s Canon in D!

Let’s take a reminder from the Starlings and remember to see the Beauty everywhere and enjoy the Dance today!



Starling Murmurations





The Beauty of a Tree

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything new here that is Beautiful – my apologies!!

So, in Honor of Arbor Day today, April 27, I thought it appropriate to share with you some of the Beauty of a Tree.  It’s so easy to walk by trees day after day without noticing… I Believe this causes them sadness.  They Love us and continue Giving to us in spite of all the ways we have dis-Honored them, hurt them, and taken their Lives.  Maybe simply appreciating their Grandeur, their Magnificence, their Miracle today would be a Loving way to apologize for all we’ve done.

And even better than that, if you are able to plant a new tree somewhere today on the Earth, they might appreciate our attempt to apologize through the offering of new Life.  If nothing else, make Friends today with a Tree.  Give it a big Hug… yeah, I said it!  Connect with the Beauty and Magnificence and have a Happy Arbor Day!



























Our Beautiful Milky Way Galaxy

For those readers that may not have run across this, I felt this was a must-post photo for you.  This is a new photo of our Beautiful Milky Way Galaxy.  (Here’s the link to the Huffington Post article with the photo: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/29/milky-way-photo-billion-stars_n_1387596.html.

I thought this was truly breathtaking!!

Esteban Diacono Video Sand Art

The following video is one I ran across yesterday – it really took my Breath away.

Though there is Beauty outside in our World, everywhere we look, we must remember that Beauty extends to our internal Source also.  That is the Beauty inherent in our ability to Create and express our Creativity.  The following is a piece of Art.  But an unexpectedly Beautiful piece of art.  I don’t know which is more mesmerizing – the visual or the music.

Enjoy this video!  I hope you experience the same sense of Calm and Peace that I did in watching this.

