Montague Keen

Montague’s Message for Sunday Nov. 3 2013

through Veronica Keen

The veil is being lifted from all that had been hidden from you. Designated people are coming forward to reveal and explain what is happening so that you may be prepared when the shift happens. The next few months will completely expose the illusion and all the institutions involved in creating it. The restrictions that have kept you locked into it are being removed every day. You have lived in an hypnotic trance that has served to control the whole of your lives from birth to death. You now see the propaganda for what it is and you no longer buy into it. Those within the Cabal, know that it cannot survive in its present form. They have failed!

You will quickly become aware of the infighting as they compete for power in a world that no longer recognises them. Their power is melting away and there is no currency on Earth that will buy them forgiveness. It has to come from the heart, if they truly repent and plead for forgiveness. The people will decide (with guidance) which course of action should be taken. You must prepare to make such decisions.

Those who have done the most damage to mankind will have to face the consequences of their actions. The people will decide and this will be done in an orderly fashion. You need to show that you are now in control and will consider all applications for forgiveness. By studying the true history of your beautiful planet and disregarding all the so-called history which you were taught, you will then be equipped to deal with each case on its own merit.

As the first signs of surrender become obvious, you must insist that all chemtrails cease forthwith, all flouridation of the water is stopped, and all vaccinations are destroyed. Humanity will never again have to face such evil manipulation of life on Earth. There will be a mass return to nature and all things natural.

It is time to make all the necessary preparations in order to be ready to proceed without delay. A whole new way of life will open up. All the stress that was carefully manipulated to keep you down and in control, will be removed. You have friends from other planets, all in position, and ready to come to Earth in order to share their technology. They will help you to understand what needs to be done as you take over your planet. They will help to guide the Earth on its rightful path to peace and harmony.

These are the End Days: the end of all that is corrupt, controlling, and evil in its darkest sense. The pollution of Planet Earth and the removal of all human life in order to prepare it for other species, has been halted. Paedophilia and mind control have been used extensively to create fear and to destroy the minds of the innocent. Those involved in such activities will be exposed and they will be faced with the true horror of their actions. All those who were involved in the cover-up of the paedophilia and murder are as guilty as those they were protecting. This is a time for the truth to be faced in order that such activities will never again be tolerated. There is never a just reason to hurt another. The depraved minds which have revelled in the torture of innocent children cannot be allowed to continue on Earth without a complete overhaul of what they believe to be acceptable. Man will quickly learn to live in peace and no barriers will be acceptable in the future. The family of Man will thrive and a future will be created which will embrace all the so-called differences, whether of creed or race.

You will be faced with a clean slate: ensure that the things you desire will benefit all. Never again think of us and them. Soon, all divisions will disappear and the nightmare that was life on Earth for hundreds of years, will fade from memory, in order to create the best future at this great time of change. Everything is in place for this to happen, so when the timing is right, it will all just fall into place as planned.

Be prepared, my friends ! This is what we ask of you. Know what is expected of you and take action at the moment it is required. You should be making plans now; but do not write them down, as everything is intercepted and reported. You are not fully aware of the extent of the control system that operates in your world. Even your thoughts can be intercepted, and they often are.

This is your opportunity to free mankind and your planet and this is why you are on Earth at this time. Many approach you with false promises, all designed to trick you into revealing private information. Your controllers are very clever. They would not have succeeded otherwise, so be aware that they will use every trick possible to entrap you. Every time you are attacked, it reveals the desperation they are experiencing. It will not be long before they run out of ideas.

The light cannot be stopped. It was written that at this time that the light will triumph over the dark and peace will return to an Earth that is suffering from all the wars that are being waged at this time.

Look at the REAL REASONS for such wars and you will be shocked. You will wonder how you could ever have been foolish enough to trust those who instigate these wars. As I have said many times, nothing is as it seems.

Just realise that you are being lied to. Do your own research, as nothing is hidden from those who have the desire for truth. Soon, even your television and so-called newspapers will have to adapt to the truth, as people refuse to accept the lies anymore. You will experience the triumph of good over evil. How exciting is that!

Enjoy this transition. Come together and celebrate your success with laughter and good cheer, all as one, happy to be part of a future that will surpass all your dreams.

Together we will do it.

My love, try to relax. Rest whenever possible, and be prepared.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Montague Keen

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 25th August 2013

The storm clouds are gathering. The different factions are preparing for the big takeover. This is not a time to sit back and wait to see what happens. You have to be responsible. Equip yourselves with all the facts. They are available; it just takes a little effort to establish what is TRUTH and what is FICTION.

The fiction that was imposed on you by religion is fear-based and controlling. It paints a picture of an afterlife that is totally untrue. They have taught you about a God of judgement and punishment; a God who wants you to suffer in order to appease Him. Ask the question, why do they always depict God as purely MALE. This totally denies the FEMALE aspect of the God of Love. For they fear the feminine. So they banished all references to the GODESSES who were once revered because they represented LOVE. Love itself is depicted as nothing more than mere sex: when, in fact, sex is an expression of love in its purest sense. They set out to debase it through film and television etc. They systematically removed all that was pure and good. Love is rarely mentioned.

Those who are in control at this time cannot experience love. They are not capable of it. To them, money equals love. When you all come together and realise the importance of love, you will rescue your planet. I cannot stipulate enough the great importance of it. Love never dies, so those you have loved pop up in many of your lives. You always recognise them, for the bond of love is unbreakable.

The ancient Irish travelled the world, teaching the religion of love. But those who took over, set out to destroy them by force. The Irish today are beginning to recover and come to terms with the great crime waged against them by what was then the Roman Catholic Church; and even today, the Vatican still tries to impose itself on them.

The Irish are now taking their first steps to remove the control of the Vatican. Soon, they will taste freedom for the first time in nearly 2000 years. The stranglehold of the Vatican reaches into many countries in ways you would never suspect. They have been responsible for far more that people realise. But the veil is being lifted on the truth of their real identity and who they serve. It is not the God of love and light!

You have lived in the darkness of their control and many have experienced their brutality in times past. It is still there in the background, hidden in plain sight. They claim rights that they have no right to claim. But their rule is coming to an end as the only power they really have is the power which you (the people) give to them through FEAR. When you are awake enough, you will see this clearly, and you will take back all that you have inadvertently given to them. Only then, will you be fully restored as whole beings of light, harmonised and empowered.

[You can find out how to do this on the homepage of the website. Help each other to do this. It is more powerful when three or more do it together.]

Time is of the essence. You do not have time to waste as you are in the last days of the old system. There are many great minds of the past on Earth at this time to experience the awakening to the light. The Dark Ones are using every mind control method in their repertoire to trap and control those with special assignments on Earth at this time. You, my dear, are watching one such captive who is struggling with it. It is upsetting to watch, but until the victim sees it for himself, there is nothing that you can do.

On TV in the past, you saw someone happily eat an onion, believing it to be an apple, while under hypnosis. There are many in your world, right now, who are so controlled that they only see what their controllers want them to see. This is why I ask that you take back control of your own lives. Stop being the victims of the Dark Cabal. When you fully accept that all that controls you is based on LIES, then you will become who you truly are.

Those who endeavour to expose the truth suffer constant attacks. My dear wife’s computer is constantly attacked and hacked into, etc. All in an effort to silence her. But though it causes distress, it will not silence her. Those who are used to attack others should ask themselves why they are so easily swayed by the dark? The Dark Ones massage their egos so that they are made to feel that they should sit in judgement on others. But remember, Judge not lest ye be judged ! [Matthew 7:1]

The Dark Ones appeal to their feelings of superiority and so the foolish fall into the trap. Many are overshadowed and are unaware of this, so it is important to protect yourselves at all times. You are all living in a war zone: it is a war to capture your souls. Everything you were taught is the exact opposite to what is right and true. You have been well and truly conned by those who wish only to destroy you and all that you stand for.

It has been brought to my attention that the research findings of many good scientists is being repressed because those in power cannot allow the truth to be made public. Consequently, these scientists are labelled as mavericks. You know, my dear, I too, was once labelled a maverick . So see it as a Badge of Honour. They obviously fear your findings and wish to suppress them.

There are other ways to bring your work to the attention of the public without going through those channels that are dedicated to the repression of information. I went through the very same scenario and it was possibly the very same people that were involved regarding my work on the Scole Report when I was on Earth. With belief in your findings and a dogged determination to expose your work to public scrutiny, you will succeed.

It is time to step out of the control system. Time to make the changes that are necessary for humanity to proceed to light and truth. It took time and determination for the controllers to accept that Planet Earth was indeed a round sphere, and not flat, as had been brutally imposed on mankind.

You are the architects of the New Age of Enlightenment. You need the freedom to explore new ways of living life on Earth that free you from the terrible manacles of the past. Enjoy your great adventure.

My dear, the attacks on your computer, though costly, are clearly showing that there are those who fear the truth!

Together we will succeed. Your adoring, Monty.


Montague Keen

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 11th August 2013

The time is fast approaching when all that was hidden will be out in the open. You are being prepared for this eventuality. Many of the Dark Ones have already accepted defeat and they are looking for ways to escape having to face the judgement of humanity. They knew that this day would come, no matter what they did to try to postpone it. All it needed was a good percentage of humanity to wake up, thus casting a light on all that was evil and corrupt. Mankind has had to wake up to its own power and the realisation that you are not on Earth to serve the few. You are all powerful beings of light who were manipulated, through education and religion, into believing you had no power. I can assure you that the overall power is yours. This, you will realise as things unfold. Without you, those at the top of the pyramid could never have achieved their corrupt status. I have said many times, they need you and they cannot exist without you. That is a fact that you need to ponder on.

Because you are awake, we are able to intervene and give signs that you need to take note of. We are constantly watching every move that is being made to keep you in control in order to disrupt the Great Awakening. My dear, what you saw in the sky last evening, was showing you that the energy is being produced in order to speed things up. Be prepared to do whatever is asked of you. Some of you know already, what you must do. It depends on the agreements you made before you returned to Earth. Both sides of life are working on this. It will not require guns or bombs, just humanity taking back its power, peacefully and honourably. Everything that you had accepted as the norm, will change overnight. You will learn to view your world in a completely new light. All the corrupt structures will be removed and people will make their own decisions, based on love and respect for all mankind. You need to prepare your minds to welcome this. Give some thought to how each of you can benefit mankind as a whole. The production of food and energy is of paramount importance. When all the experts of the world come together, they will remove all the obstacles. They will solve any problems which the initial transition may produce. This is the greatest adventure of all time and you all have a part to play in it.

The Cabal will use everything and everyone it can, to try to delay the inevitable. Many of those that you trust may be “got at” and cause disruption and upset. It all depends on whether they are strong enough in their own beliefs to withstand the attacks. Such actions, though they may cause delay, will never be allowed to prevent the transition. Ask always, that your eyes be open to all such attacks, so that you may see them for what they are. Pray that you are assisted to remove all 3-dimensional thinking and actions. You are being bombarded on television, films and in the newspapers with 3-dimensional information. But once you step out of the 3D mode, they cannot control your mind anymore. Those who have tried to destroy your world, and humanity, will be exposed. Their plans will be laid bare and they will fall upon their swords.

By connecting with your own spirituality, you become strong. Be confident that you are on the right path and that you will be guided. You are never alone. Meditation enables you to learn who you are. This is important. Although it is not easy at first, persevere and you will find that it will come naturally to you in time. The more you learn now, the more prepared you will be, when the time of transition comes. We are leading you gradually into it. You are all aware of the fact that your bodies are changing. It is all part of the preparation for the new life you will enjoy on Earth. When all the corruption and the Cabal have been removed, and all their controls lifted, the portals will open once more and the connection with spirit will resume. Then, life on Earth will be peaceful, harmonious and joyful.

The light you saw last evening, my dear, was but a glimpse of what will be. Be confident that you are on the right path. The right people will come forward at the right time. All is in divine order. You will achieve everything through the power of love. It is your most powerful weapon. Fear is, of course, your greatest enemy. It is continually used to control you through money. It is their greatest tool and, my goodness, they are experts at manipulating it.

Health is also used to create fear. They create illnesses in their laboratories and it is then released upon the unsuspecting, trusting public. This, then creates more fear. But if you take control of your own health and research what is best for you, you will be amazed at the results you get. When you understand that fear is the weapon that is used against you, then you will take control and you will refuse to be a “victim” of fear. You need to make a conscious decision to take back control of your own lives.

See today as the first day of the rest of your lives. Those of you who are responsible for children, please ensure that their lives are open to truth, light and love. Prepare them for what is to come. This is your responsibility. With your love and guidance, they will be able to accept without question all that the transition will bring.

The next few months are important. You will be faced with changes that you need to accept and decisions that you need to make. This is, after all, what you have been waiting for. Light and love will guide you.

My dear wife, I remain always, your adoring Monty.


© The Montague Keen Foundation 2013


Montague Keen

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 4th August 2013

There is a battle raging on so many levels. There are unseen forces just out of your range of vision and these are creating much of the confusion which you are experiencing on Earth. The plans that are being pushed forward must be resisted and exposed. Those who understand what is being done have a duty to share their information so that the majority can be awakened and thus prepared for all eventualities. We in spirit will alert you. We are watching what is happening and we find ways and means of drawing attention to what is planned.

The dark age of control is coming to an end and the light will illuminate all that was corrupt. Once exposed, the dark ones can no longer function.

Every day, you are learning the truth about what you were forced to accept as truth. This will enable you to see clearly the path ahead. This is a very painful exercise, but it is how it has to be, so that all that was corrupt can be removed. Nothing of the corrupt regime can be accepted. It has all got to go. Then you will start again with a clean slate with everything out in the open, so that humanity can start again, without the parasites. Nothing will be hidden from humanity. No organisations will be allowed to take control so that they can confiscate scientific advancements that would benefit mankind. There will be a return to nature. Man has survived and thrived because he understood that everything he needed would be provided by nature. It is exciting for us to observe how many of you are now rediscovering natural cures for ailments – ailments that are the result of interference with nature. The human body was never designed to cope with such deadly interference. Nature has the answers to all your needs, and thankfully, you are waking up to this fact and you are getting remarkable results. We are grateful to all those good people who are researching and re-evaluating the benefits that nature has provided. Your work is of great importance and will be fully accepted when the timing is right. It is important that you are fully prepared to educate your fellow man on the evidence of your findings.

Most people can now see clearly how the war machine works. They now refuse to be taken in by the propaganda that worked so well in the past. The Cabal is now desperately looking for new excuses to use in order to instigate war. They are being watched and they will be held accountable for their actions by those who are ready to step in and rescue humanity from their clutches. The human race will survive as there are enough beings of pure light on Earth at this time to ensure this.

Do not take anything at face value. Check your facts and decide what to accept as truth after much consideration. Disregard all so-called “news”, as it is pure invention by the Cabal and must be seen as such. You will recognise the absolute truth when you have all the facts, so that you can evaluate it for yourselves. Many are overshadowed, so you must be wary of what you accept as truth. Everything is designed by the Cabal to keep you under its control: obedient and subservient to them alone. Money is used for this purpose, as this is all they understand and control. They manipulate everything so that you are totally under their control financially. The whole concept of banking was specially designed for this purpose. It was forced on countries by the Cabal. Through money, they took over the food industry, water, and energy. They contaminate the air you breathe. They believed that their PLAN was foolproof, and they never ever considered for one moment that a time would come when the people would wake up and realise what was being done to them. Now, the people are saying, ” No. Not in my name. I refuse to be part of your corrupt plans!”

More proof of the fact that everything is being exposed was brought to your attention yesterday, when AN ENORMOUS PENTAGRAM IN KAZAKHSTAN [visible on Google Earth] was drawn to your attention. On closer examination, you can see THE SEAL OF THE DEVIL 81694BC, LUCIFER, and ADAM. On even closer scrutiny, LISAKOVSK ANNOUNCED A “HUMAN FLESH BARBEQUE”.

HOW DO YOU HUMANS FEEL ABOUT THAT ? It is all there, hidden in plain sight. The difference is that now, you are seeing with eyes wide open, what was there all the time, but your eyes were shut to it. You were looking with eyes that only had controlled vision. The veil has been lifted, and now you can see clearly and you are deeply shocked at what you see.

You ask yourselves, “How could you have been so blind to what was going on all this time?” The fact is that you were blind to it, but now you are no longer blind to it. Now, you have to face it, full on, and decide how you will deal with it. The responsibility is yours. Each one of you has a choice to make at this time. Do you go with the DARK or do you choose the LIGHT? There can be no standing in the wings. It is a big decision. The dark or the light, this is the biggest decision you will ever be asked to make, so it is important to get it right.

The Dark Ones are losing the battle. This is obvious, even to the most skeptical of you. The personal battle within your soul is what you must first deal with. Remember, the easiest way out is usually the hardest in the long run.

Time is of the essence. Decision time is upon you. Be aware that every conceivable enticement will be placed before you in order to hold you in the dark. Those within the Cabal are past masters of this technique. It is how they gained control in the first place. Will people be foolish enough to fall for their lies a second time?

When there is love in your hearts, you will see the light and you will follow it.

My dear, tough decisions are being made. These are necessary, as only those with real commitment can remain. We are with you, every step of the way, ensuring that you are supported on this difficult path.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Montague Keen

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 28th July 2013

through Veronica Keen


Martin Luther King

The awakened must come together to realise that they have both the strength and the ability to speak out. Your silence has allowed laws to be brought in that will endeavour to silence everyone who disagrees with the Cabal. Right now, every day is important.   You cannot sit back and say, “They would never do that”. They are doing it !

They are actually building prisons where those they do not require will go. Many of you are blindly helping them to do just that, by saying, “It’s my job” or “I have    a family to feed”.

Although it is understandable, look at what you are helping to create for your family and for millions of other innocent families. You cannot close your eyes to what is being done, right in front of your noses. They are so confident, they do not bother to cloak their evil plans in secrecy. They see themselves as fully in control of    humanity.

Every one of you has a voice, so use it. The 3-dimensional thinking that you have    become accustomed to, must be discarded. This is strictly the mind, it is what you    are taught, both by religions and by education: it is your prisoner. Your minds took    over from your hearts and souls. You call it logical thinking but it is what keeps you a prisoner and under control. I ask of you, now, to learn to go into your hearts.   It will give you a true picture of actual reality and what you can be instrumental    in bringing about. Every assistance is available to you. You are not alone. You must    take the first steps to extinguish the darkness from your reality.

Be aware that many who were on the path of light have been overshadowed, and may, at times, be giving the wrong information. You must stand firm in your truth. Your heart will be your guide. Many are going through such internal battles as they try to stay on their true path. The Dark Ones are losing ground and they are becoming more vicious in their attempts to hold on to power. Connect with your own Guardian Angel for protection and guidance. What you are living through at this time was planned.   It is the final battle between the Lords of Light and the Lords of Darkness. In your hearts, you know that the light will remove all traces of the darkness. This is when the New Age begins and every country in your world will benefit. Peace will be restored.

Our plans for the future are great. We will disclose them on a need to know basis.    Focus your minds on truth and do not be side-tracked, no matter how inviting the    temptations are, to lure you away. What they promise is all illusion. They are mind-manipulators.   Refuse to be taken in by them. Raise your vibration.

Love is the highest vibration. With love in your hearts, nothing can touch you and    nothing can distract you. Never allow fear to enter your lives, and never allow it to prevent you from following your divine path. Everyone with a mission to carry out is being attacked, but you can overcome these obstacles, and when you do, you are all the stronger for it. When you live in a world where the darkness rules, you will be tested by what is done or what is threatened. You need to be strong, firm in your beliefs. You need also to understand when others are being attacked and you    must support them. Help them to realise what is being done to them. Hold them in    love and light.

Meditation will strengthen your connection to the light. Find the way that suits you best and it will help to keep you centered. Try to avoid the mindless rubbish that is all around you, vying for your attention. It is all part of the plan. Do not fall for it.

Ancient portals are becoming active once more. They will spread their light to invigorate the planet in preparation for what is to come. The future that you are creating at this time is of great importance for humanity and for your planet. Go into this with your eyes wide open in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path. You will be instrumental in removing all weapons of destruction from the planet: the killing will cease, all wars will cease, and armies will then be used to reconstruct all that they were so instrumental in destroying. Feeding the world will be a priority.   It can be done quickly and efficiently. We have given much thought to everything that needs to be done. As we see the full picture, we are in a position to guide and assist. This is a combined effort, with both sides of life, coming together to rescue humanity and the planet from the dark forces that have engulfed it and are trying to destroy it.

Look to the time when all darkness is removed and your planet is restored, when all of humanity comes together to live as one in peace and harmony. In order to bring this about, you may be asked to make sacrifices, or struggle a little, but nothing will be asked of you that you cannot readily cope with.

When you stand for truth, nothing can get in your way. Just keep in mind that you    are in a battle that you will win. Sometimes, battle plans need to be changed, so    what it is necessary to alter will be altered, as nothing is set in stone.

We are on the right path and that is what matters. Our numbers increase each day, as more countries open up to the truth. Know that each and every one of you, is welcome and valued. You are each a part of the whole. How nice it will be, when all barriers are removed, and people live as one, all sharing experiences on Planet Earth. It will not be long now.

On a personal level, you are making progress and we share your excitement. You are never too old to learn. I thank those who are advising you. They were chosen for this task. Support with love and kindness, those around you who are battling with the Dark Forces. Hold them in the light. Hold them in love. I ask everyone to please do this, for those who are under attack and are struggling to come out the other side.

I am ever at your side. My love for you will never die. I remain your adoring, Monty.